Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > SSL > Create a X.509 registry in EIM, and configure LDAP location (optional)
Create a X.509 registry in EIM, and configure LDAP location (optional)


This step is required if you want to use the EIM database to map the certificate to the OS/400 user.

In this case the supplied username must be "*SSL".

Using system i access, go to "Network"/"Enterprise Identity Mapping"/"Domain Management"/"<your domain>"/"User Registries", and click "Add a new system registry".

Choose a name, and "X.509" registry type.

Under "configuration", select properties, and select the X.509 registry just created.


Now we need configuring the LDAP location for the *SYSTEM store. This will make the user certificates creation process linked to the EIM.

Use Digital Certificate manager. Connection is at: http://my_iseries:2001. Select "Digital Certificate Manager" (on V6R1 select "i5/OS management" and then "Internet configuration" first. Logon as QSECOFR when prompted).

Select "Manage LDAP location", and enter:

LDAP server: fully defined host name:

Directory distinguished name (DN): dc=

Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): No

Port Number: 389

Login distinguished name (DN): cn=

Password: xxxx  (password for LDAP used by EIM).