Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > IPL process
IPL process


EASYCOM subsystem must be active to accept client connections.

EASYCOMD job must be active in the subsystem.


See your system administrator to start EASYCOM subsystem during the IPL of your system.

One way to have EASYCOM started at IPL, is by changing QSTRUP program in QSYS library.


Retrieve the source of this program:



Change the source, by adding command "STRSBS EASYCOM/EASYCOM" after TCP/IP is started.


And compile:

          CRTCLPGM …


TCP/IP must be on when Easycom subsystem is started!

Starting Easycom subsystem, automatically starts EASYCOMD job.

If EASYCOMD is not started, check EASYCOMD *JOBD, and see message queue EACMSGQ in Easycom library: