Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM Configuration > Trace file management > Trace Activation / Deactivation
Trace Activation / Deactivation

AS/400 trace :

Select "AS/400 Trace" to activate or deactivate the EASYCOM generated trace on AS/400.

Library :

Use of AS/400 trace requires to specify at least an AS/400 library and file names.

Warning, library name must be one with writing rights opened.

File :

The file will be created if it does not exist and deleted later. Commands to AS/400 can detail if suitable.

Level :

Low detail level is 1 (default value), highest is 9. Trace level 4 is usually sufficient. At this level, all fields’ values sent or received are detailed.


Operation time printing :

Operation time printing gives an idea of elapsed time between each request. Level 1 is enough in this case.


Member :

Optional option.