Get field values.
Class EasycomDataSet
public Object EasycomDataSet.GetValue(Integer f)
public Object EasycomDataSet.GetValue(String flfName)
These functions return the field value as an object. The object will be the nearest object type that corresponds to the database type of the field.
The Object can be a String, Integer, SmallInt, …
The value can be obtained from the field name or from the field index (zero-based). The field name is the alias name of the field if existing, except if short field names are forced using the connection string options.
Example of use (VB.NET)
Dim my_cnx As EasycomConnection
Dim my_file As EasycomFile
Dim result As String
my_cnx = New EasycomConnection
my_cnx.ConnectionString = "Server=;User Id=
my_file = my_cnx.OpenFile("S_CUSTOMER")
result = my_file.GetValue("COMPANY").ToString() + " - " + my_file.GetValue("FIRSTNAME").ToString()
MessageBox.Show("Customer found : " + result)
Example of use (C#):
EasycomConnection my_cnx = new EasycomConnection();
my_cnx.ConnectionString = "Server=;User Id=";
EasycomFile ecfile = my_cnx.OpenFile(“S_CUSTOMER”);
string result = ecfile.GetValue(“COMPANY”).ToString() + “ – “ + ecfile.GetValue(“FIRSTNAME”).ToString();
MessageBox.Show(“Customer found : “ + result);
See also