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IPv6 connectivity

Easycom is fully compatible with IPv6 networking.


There is no special configuration to do to allow IPv6 connections. The only requirement is using a minimum version for EASYCOMD, EASYCOM programs, and the OS/400 version:

         EASYCOM program must be 4.60.10 or above.

         EASYCOMD program must be 3.0.3 or above.

         OS/400 version must be V5R3 or above.


To have full IPv6 connection the Easycom client must also be compatible with IPv6. You need to check the documentation for each client products.


This is recommended to use a name instead of an IP address. However, this is possible to specify an IP address in IPv6 syntax, like follows:

-       2001:db8::1428:57ab

-       or [2001:db8::1428:57ab] :6077 with 6077 as a port number.


You can check whenever the connection was made in IPV6 or not using the NETSTAT command of the OS/400.


You also can see it in the log file (generated by CFGEAC command or by the client application).


Notes :

         The IP address will appear in the IPv6 syntax in all exit programs.

         The IP version is available in two new exit programs: EACTCPP01 and EACLOG002.

         Connections in V6 and V4 are both accepted by default. You can use EACLOG002 to deny connections if needed.