Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > EASYCOM jobs on AS/400 > Jobs creation and properties
Jobs creation and properties

 The job alternatively can be created by the safety program EACTCP003 (see below),

If EACTCP003 does not exist or the job does not start, it is created according to:

         EACJOBD, if it exists,

         The JOBD associated to the user profile that is authenticated, if EACJOBD is not present.

         The JOBD associated to the user profile that is authenticated for the LIBL management (see Default LIBL)



EASYCOM on AS/400 works using a subsystem and a daemon. That daemon handles the connection requests from client applications. When the application is launched, and a connection established with AS/400, a job is created on AS/400. There is an active job for each connected client application, using the appropriate authority and user rights. Each application can have its own file openings, locks, current positions, and transactions in progress.