Class EasycomException
public EasycomNativeCategory property NativeCategory
This property represents the category when having an Easycom kind exception.
The possible values are:
• Error: general native error. This error is generally generated locally. This can be field name invalid, …
• Signal: AS/400 classic error, like file not found, … With this category, the NativeMessage will contain the message AS/400 ID (CPF5715 for example) and NativeFullMessage the corresponding error message (File XX not found in *LIBL).
• Sql: all Sql-level errors.
• Tcpip: all TCP/IP errors.
• Internal: Easycom internal error. This can be a licensing problem (see the message field for more details).
• InternalInterface: Internal to the PC-side interface (the .NET core). This error category can denote a bug inside Easycom or an unexpected way of using the assembly.
• NoError: no error was generated. This is the initial value if the EasycomException created with the empty constructor.
• Unknown