STREACD command starts EASYCOM service. EASYCOMD program is started in the subsystem to allow connection of clients’ stations.
Remark: this command doesn’t store any of the parameters.
Enter EASYCOM server library name, where subsystem description was created.
EASYCOM service port (PORT)
Enter the TCP port number assigned to EASYCOM server. If several EASYCOM servers will run on the same machine, a different port number must be assigned to each one. Possible values are:
*DFT: If a service named Easycom exists on the port services table, the associated will be used. See WRKSRVTBLE system command to manage the services table. If Easycom service does not exist, default port 6077 is used.
*JOBD: The service is started according to EASYCOMD job description in the library.
Number: Port number to be allocated to new EASYCOM server.
Authorised pre-starts jobs (Pre-starts jobs - PJ)
This parameter is used only if PORT parameter is different from * JOBD. Use pre-starts jobs in the subsystem.
Possible values are:
*OFF (default): "Pre-start" jobs are not used when client session requires a connection, even if they are configured in the subsystem.
*ON / *AUTO: To use pre-started jobs on the subsystem if those are configured and active.
Stop and Start again EASYCOMD job if it is already running in the subsystem. Possible values are:
*NO: If EASYCOMD job is already active, it remains unchanged.
*YES: If EASYCOMD is running, it is stopped, then re-started with new parameters.
EASYCOM subsystem must be active.
EASYCOMD job (demon) runs permanently in the EASYCOM subsystem. It starts automatically when subsystem is started.
EASYCOMD uses TCP/IP port 6077 (default) to accept connection requests from client stations.
If a safety system or another application prohibits using this port, it can be modified with CFGEACTCP command.
TCP/IP must be on when EASYCOMD is submitted.
If EASYCOMD is not started, check EASYCOMD *JOBD, and see message queue EACMSGQ in Easycom library: