Nom propriété |
Description |
Type AS400 |
OutputQueueName |
Output queue name |
CHAR(10) |
OutputQueueLibName |
Output queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
fileOrder |
Order of files on queue |
CHAR(10) |
displayAnyFile |
Display any file |
CHAR(10) |
jobSeparator |
Job separators |
operatorControlled |
Operator controlled |
CHAR(10) |
dataQName |
Data queue name |
CHAR(10) |
dataQLibName |
Data queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
AuthToCheck |
Authority to check |
CHAR(10) |
NbOfFiles |
Number of files |
OutputQueueStatus |
Output queue status |
CHAR(10) |
TextDescription |
Text description |
CHAR(50) |
NbSpoolFilePageSpec |
Number of spooled file pages specified |
NbWritersStartedToQ |
Number of writers started to queue |
NbWritersToAutoStart |
Writers to autostart |
RemoteSysNameType |
Remote system name type |
CHAR(1) |
RemoteSysName |
Remote system name |
CHAR(255) |
RemotePrinterQ |
Remote printer queue |
CHAR(128) |
MsgQName |
Message queue name |
CHAR(10) |
MsgQLibName |
Message queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
ConnectionType |
Connection type |
DestinationType |
Destination type |
VMMVSClass |
VM/MVS class |
CHAR(1) |
FormControlBuff |
Forms control buffer |
CHAR(8) |
HostPrintTransform |
Host print transform |
CHAR(1) |
ManufacturerTypeAndModel |
Manufacturer type and model |
CHAR(17) |
WorkstationCustomObjName |
Workstation customizing object name |
WorkstationCustomObjLibName |
Workstation customizing object library name |
CHAR(10) |
SpoolASPAttribute |
Spooled file auxiliary storage pool attribute |
CHAR(1) |
NbPageEtriesReturned |
Number of page entries returned |
DestinationOptions |
Destination options |
CHAR(128) |
WriterTypeStartedQueue |
Writer type started to queue |
CHAR(1) |
PrintSeparatorPage |
Print separator page |
CHAR(1) |
LongRemotePrinterQueue |
Long remote printer queue |
CHAR(255) |
ImgConf |
Image configuration |
CHAR(10) |
ImgConfLib |
Image configuration library |
CHAR(10) |
NetDirPublishingStatus |
Network directory publishing status |
CHAR(1) |
SpooledFileAspId |
Spooled file auxiliary storage pool ID |
SpooledFileAspDeviceName |
Spooled file auxiliary storage pool device name |
CHAR(10) |
SplFileMaxPageEntries |
Spooled file maximum page entries |
CHAR(*) |