Nom propriété |
Description |
Type AS400 |
startedbyUser |
Started by user |
CHAR(10) |
writingStatus |
Writing status |
CHAR(1) |
waitingForMsgStatus |
Waiting for message status |
CHAR(1) |
heldStatus |
Held status |
CHAR(1) |
endPendingStatus |
End pending status |
CHAR(1) |
holdPendingStatus |
Hold pending status |
CHAR(1) |
betweenFileStatus |
Between file status |
CHAR(1) |
betweenCopiesStatus |
Between copies status |
CHAR(1) |
waitingForDataStatus |
Waiting for data status |
CHAR(1) |
waitingForDeviceStatus |
Waiting for device status |
CHAR(1) |
onJobQueueStatus |
On job queue status |
CHAR(1) |
typeOfWriter |
Type of writer |
CHAR(1) |
writerJobName |
Writer job name |
CHAR(10) |
writerJobUserName |
Writer job user name |
CHAR(10) |
writerJobNumber |
Writer job number |
CHAR(6) |
printerDeviceType |
Printer device type |
CHAR(10) |
nbOfSeparator |
Number of separators |
drawerForSeparators |
Drawer for separators |
alignForms |
Align forms |
CHAR(10) |
outputQueueName |
Output queue name |
CHAR(10) |
outputQueueLibName |
Output queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
outputQueueStatus |
Output queue status |
CHAR(1) |
formType |
Form type |
CHAR(10) |
msgOption |
Message option |
CHAR(10) |
autoEndWriter |
Automatically end writer |
CHAR(10) |
allowDirectPrinting |
Allow direct printing |
CHAR(10) |
msgQName |
Message queue name |
CHAR(10) |
msgQLibName |
Message queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
changesTakeEffect |
Changes take effect |
CHAR(10) |
nextOuputQueueName |
Next ouput queue name |
CHAR(10) |
nextOuputQueueLibName |
Next ouput queue library name |
CHAR(10) |
nextFormtype |
Next form type |
CHAR(10) |
nextMessageOption |
Next message option |
CHAR(10) |
nextFileSeparators |
Next file separators |
nextSeparatorDrawers |
Next separator drawer |
spoolFileName |
Spooled file name |
CHAR(10) |
jobName |
Job name |
CHAR(10) |
userName |
User name |
CHAR(10) |
jobNumber |
Job number |
CHAR(6) |
spoolFileNumber |
Spooled file number |
pageBeingWritten |
Page being written |
totalPages |
Total pages |
copiesLeftToProduce |
Copies left to produce |
totalCopies |
Total copies |
messageKey |
Message key |
CHAR(4) |
initPrinter |
Initialize printer |
CHAR(1) |
printerDeviceName |
Printer device name |
CHAR(10) |
jobSystemName |
Job system name |
CHAR(8) |
spoolFileCreateDate |
Spooled file create date |
CHAR(7) |
spoolFileCreateTime |
Spooled file create time |
CHAR(6) |