les propriétés suivantes : lockStatus, locktype, shareDescription
et lockScope, on renvoie l'information brute et une description supplémentaire
LockStatus :
• "The lock is currently held by the job or thread."
• "The job or thread is waiting for the lock (synchronous)."
• "The job or thread has a lock request outstanding for the object (asynchronous)."
• "Lock on the object”
• "Lock on the member control block"
• "Lock on the access path used to access a member's data"
• "Lock on the actual data within the member"
Share Decription:
• "The file is not shared, the file is a physical file, or the field is not applicable to object type."
• "The file is shared."
Lock Scopes :
• "Job Scope"
• "Thread Scope"
Space Scope"