Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > EASYCOM Server configuration commands > CFGEAC (Configure Easycom)
CFGEAC (Configure Easycom)

 CFGEAC command allows configuring EASYCOM server properties on iSeries - AS/400 system.


Type choices, press Enter

Easycom server library name  . . > EASYCOM       Alpha value 

Easycom job priority . . . . . .   *DFT          1-99, *SAME, *DFT

TCP/IP Keep Alive frequency  . .   120           seconds

Delay before asking again pwd  .   *NONE         seconds

Delay before automatic SIGNOFF     *NONE         seconds

Easycom Log File level . . . . .   *NONE         Number, *SAME, *NONE

Print the clock in Log File  . .   *NO           *SAME, *YES, *NO

Automatic Keep Alive start . . .   *YES          Number, *YES, *NO, *SAME

Detailed Job Log . . . . . . . .   *NO           *SAME, *YES, *NO

Lock Easycom host  . . . . . . .   *NO           *SAME, *YES, *NO

Time Out on Ext Pgm Call . . . .   *NONE         Number, *SAME, *NONE

Character Set ID . . . . . . . .   *USRPRF       -2-65535, *USRPRF, *SYSVAL..

Sort sequence table  . . . . . .   *NONE         Name, *USRPRF, *SYSVAL...

Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 Name, *LIBL

Convert CONCAT field to A type     *NO           *SAME, *YES, *NO

SSL enable . . . . . . . . . . .   *OFF          *SAME, *OFF, *ON, *ONLY


F3=Exit F4= F5=efresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys



EASYCOM server library name (LIB)

Enter the library name in which the EASYCOM server is installed.


EASYCOM server job priority (PTY)

This parameter is used to override JOBD job priority setting. If set to 0, JOBD determines job priority. JOBD used with EASYCOM is EACJOBD.


TCP/IP Keep Alive frequency (TCPTOUT)

This parameter is used to set the 'keep alive' interval value. Default value is 120 seconds. When 'keep alive' is on, a TCP/IP message is sent from PC to AS/400 every n seconds. This is useful to keep a remote line up, and to have automatic shutdown of jobs that are no longer linked to a client application, even in case of client crash.
If the AS/400 EASYCOM job does not receive the message in n+10 seconds, it automatically shutdowns.
These TCP/IP messages are only sent when the communication is idle for that delay.
This value can be set to 0 to disable it. This is useful when debugging, as some debuggers avoids Easycom to send the TCP/IP message when the process is stopped.
This parameter can also be set using 'Easycom configuration' tool on the PC.


Delay before asking again pwd (RESIGN)

This parameter is used to make end-user sign-on again after a given idle time. (Default is disabled).
Not currently supported.


Delay before automatic SIGNOFF (CONNECTION)

This parameter is used to close a connection after a given idle time.


EASYCOM Log File level (LOGLEV)

Use this to enable an AS/400 log file. Valid values are 1 to 4.
It will create a EASYCOM/LOGFILE(MEMBER) file, EASYCOM is the Easycom installation library, MEMBER is Easycom job name.
Be careful with that:

- Log file member is always cleared when a new connection is made

- If two jobs with same job's name are run, the second cannot have log file and will be locked for 1 minute at start-up.


Print clock in Log File (LOGCLOCK)

Allows getting time information in log file: command processing starting and ending time, CPU consuming.


Automatic Keep Alive start (HBEAT)

If this value is *YES, the 'keep alive' message (see above) will be generated unless the PC is configured to refuse it. If this value is *NO, 'keep alive' will not start unless the PC is configured to enable it.


Detailed Job Log (JOBLOG)

This option is used to run an automatic job login. This can be changed with Easycom JOBD (EACJOBD).



Easycom is default locked if this option is used. This means that the Easycom connection is accepted, but no file neither program access will work until the 'unlock' password arrives. See our documentation about EACP003 entry program for more information.


Time Out on Ext Pgm Call (PGMTOUT)

Defines a timeout for program execution. This avoids program call taking too much time. When the timeout is reached, the call will abort and Easycom will return an error.


Character Set ID (CCSID)

Indicates character set used which EASYCOM. Default character set is *HEX (65535).

A good idea can be to set it up to *USRPRF.


Sort Sequence table (SRTSEQ)

Indicates the sort file to be used for comparison and sorting. Possible values are those suitable for SRTSEQ parameter in the system CHGJOB command. *LANGIDUNQ is a value that allows "natural" sorting for the current CCSID. However, there is a need to be careful to have the indexes or logical files with a compatible sort sequence.


Convert fields CONCAT to type A (CONCATF)

Indicates if CONCAT operations resulting fields must always be considered as alphanumeric type fields. Possible values are:

*YES : CONCAT result fields will be processed as a single alphanumeric type field.

*NO : CONCAT result fields keep their original type.


SSL enable (SSL)

Specifies how SSL encryption can be used with Easycom.

Use DSPMSG EACMSGQ to know if SSL init worked.


Note: Modifying this option requires EASYCOMD job restart. You can perform it using STRSBS/ENDSBS system commands or the STREACD command.

Possible values are:

 *YES: Both SSL encrypted, and clear connections are accepted.

 *NO: SSL is not used on this library. SSL connection attempts will fail.

 *ONLY: SSL usage is mandatory. The connection will fail if the client does not support SSL, or if SSL negotiation failed.