Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > Single sign on - EIM > EIM with Easycom
EIM with Easycom

 To use EIM with Easycom we need to do the following:


1.     Install and configure it in the AS/400 and the domain controller.

2.     Grant the TCP user to access the keytab file. QTCP is the user for EASYCOMD job.

CHGAUT OBJ('/QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetworkAuthentication/keytab/krb5.keytab') USER(QTCP) DTAAUT(*R)

3.     Enable the Kerberos authentication:


Note: Instead of Kerberos authentication you also can use client certificate authentication, with certificates registered in the EIM database.

4.     Configure Easycom to use EIM on the server,


5.     Optionally define an exit program EACLOG002

6.     Update applications to use EIM by using *KERBAUTH special value for the login.


EIM implementation on client is very simple. All you need is to specify "*KERBAUTH" special value for the user id, and a recent client DLL. The password has no importance (can be blank or any value).

There are special TCP/IP error codes (negative) for different Kerberos errors (ticket expired, …)., with corresponding native error text (coming from i5 or from client).


For testing you can type *KERBAUTH in place of the username and leave a blank password. After this, you can put that special value in your client/server programs.