Help > EASYCOM Server > EASYCOM behavior > EASYCOM jobs on AS/400 > The jobs on AS/400
The jobs on AS/400

 When a client application connects to Easycom Server on System I – AS/400, an Easycom Client job is submitted in Easycom Subsystem.

This job run under the authority of the connected user. It can "adopt the authority" of another user on request of the client application.


If exit program EACTCP003 exists in Easycom library, it can submit the client job according to its own rules and descriptions.

If job description EACJOBD exists in Easycom library, the job is submitted according to it. Otherwise, it is submitted according to the Users job description.

In any case, user initial library list will be added to the Easycom Client job.


Priority of Easycom Client job is defined by class object EACCLS in Easycom library. This priority can be adjusted with CHGCLS command.


System can use prestarts jobs.