Help > Easycom .NET > Easycom namespace > EasycomConnection > EasycomConnection.ConnectionString Property
EasycomConnection.ConnectionString Property

 Represents all options for the connection.

Class EasycomConnection



public property String ConnectionString



You set the ConnectionString property before opening a connection.

The option names are the same that the options available for EasycomConnection.ConnectionString:


         Server: The name or the IP address of the AS/400

         User ID: The user profile. In interactive environment, if this parameter is omitted an Easycom dialog box will be shown. If this parameter is omitted in a service (for example in ASP.NET environment) an exception will be thrown during the connection.

         Password: The password associated with the username.

         JobName: The job name to use. By default this is the name of the PC.

         Pooled: Choose whether or not the connection object will be part of a connection pool. See 'Pooling connection' topic for more details. Possible values are 'True' and 'False'. Default is True.

         PoolLimit: This value is an integer representing the maximum number of connections being pooled. When the limit is reached the thread will wait until a pooled connection is available or until the timeout is reached (see PoolTimeout parameter and 'Pooling connections' topic for more details). Default is 0 (unlimited). Windows only.

         PoolTimeout. Represents the maximum number of seconds to wait if the pool limit is reached. Default is 0 (unlimited). Windows only.

         Shared: Choose if sharing the connection for the same thread. Possible values are 'True' and 'False'. Default is False.

         Init Libl: Libraries to be added to the default library list (that belong to the user ID). This is a semicolon-separated list, like "MYLIB1;MYLIB2".

         EacUnLock: A special password that can be validated by a user defined AS/400 program. This prevents non-authorized developers to use Easycom. See 'Advanced security features' in the server documentation.

         CodepageFile: designates an ASCII-EBCDIC translation file. This is mostly useful for DBCS countries like China, Japan, Korea.

         ShortFieldNames: tells Easycom to use only short forms for field names. This will ignore aliases of columns. Valid values are 'True' and 'False'. Default is False.

         SqlNaming: Choose between '.' and '/' to separate files and libraries. When using '.' the library list is not available (and current library is the name of the user). Possible values are '/' and '.'. Default is '/'.

          CommandTimeout: The CommandTimeout is configurable for a given connection.
If the timeout is reached for a command, the following Easycom exception is raised:
{"Easycom error, Generic error: Timeout has been reached."}