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EasycomConnection.Open Method

 Opens the connection.


Class EasycomConnection



public void EasycomConnection.Open;




Call this method to open the connection. If the connections are pooled, this may only reuse an available connection.

If the EasycomConnection.ConnectionString is empty, the connection will open with all default values, and show the Easycom dialog box for the user and password (If being in service mode, like ASP.NET, an exception will be thrown with wrong user or password).


A connection is always materialized by a JOB on the AS/400. The Easycom jobs are running by default in the Easycom subsystem. Those jobs can be visualized using the WRKACTJOB SBS(EASYCOM) command on a AS/400 terminal emulation (5250).

However, a single job can correspond to several EasycomConnection objects, depending on the EasycomConnection.ConnectionString parameters.